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Exploring Diet Drugs

Perhaps you're considering, or have decided to take a diet drug to help you lose weight. 

Get the Facts

Whether you've already started taking a diet drug or are thinking about starting, I highly recommend you gather as much insight as you can about these drugs: how they work, what's happening to your body when you take them, their pros/cons and more, so you can make  decisions that are optimal for you and the weight loss / management journey you are taking.  
Here's a podcast worth your time - it goes deep into the topic, giving you valuable insight. 

Rich Roll, Podcast #834 - The Truth About Ozempic

Creating a Sustainable Strategy

If you ultimately decide that a diet drug is the right option for you, you're also going to have to decide what you plan to do when you reach your target weight and then want to get off the drug, or are required to get off the drug because insurance no longer covers the cost (this typically happens when you reach your target weight/BMI).


Many people who stop taking diet drugs end up putting a lot or all of the weight back on..... that's because the drug only works when you take it.... so, what can you do?   You could yo-yo back and forth - take the drug to lose the weight, gain the weight back, go back on the drug and lose the weight again, rinse and repeat, but what if you want to minimize the risks associated with diet drugs and yo-yo dieting, and get your life back / never have weight struggles ever again?



Establish a solid LIFESTYLE STRATEGY while you're ON the drug, so you are set up for sustainable success when you come OFF the drug.

Most of us who struggle with weight do so because we live in a culture/system that does not support healthy lifestyles.  Fast food restaurants galore, highly processed food products in the grocery store, attitudes and social pressures to eat a certain way, little incentive to move/exercise, social media and other distractions that influence our other lifestyle habits that influence weight, and more.  


Partnering with a health coach and a registered dietician can help you build the knowledge, skills and strategies that will up the probability you can navigate all these obstacles, enabling you to sustainably keep the weight off when you come off the diet drug.  

Ready to Team Up?

Leverage the guidance of a Health Coach and Registered Dietitian.

We're here to support you on whatever path you choose to take when it comes to weight loss.


give a body what it needs and it will take care of itself

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